
    terça-feira, 25 de junho de 2024

    To my daughter Melanie (June 2024)

     01-02/06 Chapter 266: Shine in your light on the world

    The weekend passed very slowly. Despite our fear of taking this step, it might be better, but when the end is very close to happening, emotions run high, the emotional side takes over reason, and we can't think straight. And sadness is normal.

    To distract my mind, I started watching the series Bridgerton and finished the entire first season over the weekend. It distracted me, made me clear my head a bit, and also distracted my heart.

    I have always immersed myself in series, soap operas, and movies. And I have always loved love stories and fantasy cartoon novies. They make us forget the real world and give us hope. Being a dreamer like me is not ideal, but dreaming a little is good for the soul and lifts the spirit.

    Watching cartoons, movies, and soap operas that distract us from the harsh reality of the world is so important. These forms of entertainment provide an escape from daily stress and challenges. There's nothing wrong about it. When we immerse ourselves in a fictional world, we temporarily forget our problems and responsibilities, which can be incredibly refreshing for our minds. This mental break allows us to relax and recharge.

    These stories often inspire hope and optimism. Many cartoons, movies, and soap operas feature themes of love, heroism, and "happily ever after" endings. These positive narratives can uplift our spirits and remind us that good things can happen, even in difficult times. By keeping a bit of "happily ever after" in our hearts, we maintain a sense of hope and optimism, which is crucial for mental well-being. Although I have lost much of this concept, I still hold onto a little bit of it, deep within my heart.

    These stories stimulate our imagination and creativity. They allow us to dream and envision a better world or different possibilities for our own lives. This dreaming is not just a form of escapism; it can also be a source of inspiration and motivation. By seeing characters overcome obstacles and achieve their goals, we can feel encouraged to pursue our own dreams and ambitions.

    Also, through identifying with characters and their journeys, we learn to understand different perspectives and emotions. This can make us more empathetic and compassionate individuals, better equipped to relate to others in our real lives.

    Finally, engaging with these stories can simply bring joy and happiness. Laughter from a comedy, excitement from an adventure, or the warmth from a love story can significantly boost our mood. Happiness is vital for a healthy spirit, and these moments of joy, no matter how small or fleeting, contribute to our overall well-being.

    But remember, the easiest dreams to achieve are those that depend solely on us. A dream is a wish you make all alone. When it depends on another person, such as a fairy-tale ending love (which is very rare), it relies on a second person, and then, it may not be up to us to realize it. Also, keeping this dream alive will not depend solely on you, which makes things more difficult. But allow yourself to dream in the right measure.


     03-07/06 Chapter 267: I'm still here hanging

    The weekend passed slowly until Monday came, and we went home. The atmosphere between your father and me was better, but we were still in a limbo, not knowing what to do. I made it very clear that I would make this concession about my parents' house to make him happy and so that we could keep making things work, but now many doubts have arisen in his mind, and he needed some time to think. The whole week was like this; we lived peacefully but not as a couple because he still needed to think about many things.

    This is what exhausts me. Our entire relationship has always had this uncertainty, your father needing time, needing to think, needing to analyze things and consider. This is not the first time, it's not the second or the third, and I'm sure it won't be the last. It's horrible to feel like you are always at the mercy of others, waiting for them to say a word so you can see what your life will be like after that person's word. In other words, your direction, your destiny, your next steps depend on someone else. The path you will trace, and that's not right.

    So it's complicated. I feel like I'm doing the best I can, making concessions, trying to adjust to everything your father asks to make him happy, but I feel that the small things I ask him to change, he doesn't do like I do and isn't giving his best. The week was like this, in this limbo, your father in this confusion about what to do, me in this confusion about whether I deserve to be in this position, and our relationship on a tightrope.

    I do think that problems and doubts exist in every and any relationship and marriage, but when these doubts become something constant throughout the entire relationship, it's not something you can turn a blind eye to and ignore. I'm feeling small, in a position I don't deserve to be in.

    These days were pleasant because we started looking at children's buffets for your second birthday party. This time I looked at many buffets, and the best part is the tasting. But I'll tell you that really good tastings are very few and far between, and what I mean by good are complete tastings, that is, they offer appetizers, savory snacks, and also sweets and cakes. I think only two places offer a complete tasting; most just offer an appetizer and savory snacks, so I must confess that even though I love tastings, I'm quite tired of savory snacks.

    But the best part of visiting the buffets this year wasn't the tasting; it was watching you play and have fun at each buffet. Now that you're older, you always want to stay in the ball pit, you enjoyed some of the rides, and at almost every buffet, it was quite hard to get you to leave because you didn't want to go. So that was the best part, seeing you playing, having fun, and enjoying each place we visited.

    The best children's buffet tasting I had was at the buffet we booked for your first birthday. That buffet offered almost everything on its menu for us to try, and it was the only one that did that because the others didn't come close to offering everything on their menus for tasting. However, I was a bit disappointed with the previous buffet because they didn't provide two or three items that were listed in their menu contract. Also, even though I loved the buffet, I think it's nice to have the party in a different environment, a different place.

    The other place is wonderful, huge. I loved the big screen where they show slides, and I read that the food is sensational. They serve snacks even after the birthday cake. The big standout for them is the dinner; for example, they have a risotto station, which no other place I visited had. The snacks are also much more appetizing. However, in terms of attractions, I found it lacking. It has a slide that adults can use, but the other place had that too. It doesn't have the fun game where you fall into the ball pit, no bowling alley; it has a nice carousel, a small ball pit, and a few other interesting toys, but very little for adults. So, this place was the opposite of the other; I was enchanted by the food but a bit disappointed with the toys. I was in a terrible dilemma between the two. And your father didn’t visit this second place, so I couldn't get his opinion. Typical, men don't really like these things. He only went for the food, haha. But Pietra, who went with me to the second buffet, loved it, so I had this doubt in my mind all week.

    Anyway, regardless of where we have your party, I'm sure you will love it and have a great time. Now you and your little cousin will enjoy it much more because you're older. But one of the things that bothers me is that I'll have to pay for this party by myself. Maybe your grandfather will help because he's wonderful and loves you and your little cousin very much. But I miss this in your father; I miss having someone who runs alongside me, sharing the costs of everything. For him, for example, a buffet party is silly, so he won't pay. But even if it seems silly to us, we have to think about the kids and their fun. What might seem silly to us might not be to our kids or our partners, so I miss having financial support, someone to rely on, someone who runs alongside me. I feel like everything falls on my shoulders, and sometimes the burden is too heavy to bear.

     08/06 Chapter 268: Dodged a bullet

    The plan was that on Sunday you would sleep at your grandma's house, and I would go back to the apartment so your dad could help me with the live sales event. But some things happened. On the fifth, I forgot to mention in our journal that in the evening you started having very, very red cheeks.

    In fact, you had a high fever spike of around 39°C, and your cheeks became very red. Your dad and I couldn't take it anymore. You left daycare, but still, the colds, viruses, and illnesses continue; nothing has changed. What has changed is your treatment with the immunoglobulin vaccines, and now you catch these illnesses more mildly and don’t end up in the hospital, but that’s not related to daycare; it’s related to the treatment you’re undergoing. Anyway, I know I even cried to my mom, and we didn't know what you had, so the first thing I did was send a message to Dr. Humberto’s secretary, who replied that evening and said she would fit us in early the next morning.

    My mom even thought that your cheeks were hot and red due to the high fever, but even after the fever reducer completely lowered your fever, your cheeks remained very red, and what was worse, you wouldn’t stop scratching them. You were almost peeling off the skin from so much scratching. This worried me a lot, so I had no choice but to bother Dr. Humberto again and explain the situation so he could prescribe some medication for you that night before our appointment the next morning, otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to sleep with such itching. As always, he was wonderful and responded, suggesting a medication that my mom quickly went to the pharmacy to get. It provided some relief, but not as much as needed. You still felt quite uncomfortable during the night.

    The next morning when we went to Dr. Humberto's office, it turned out to be the longest wait we've ever had there. Our appointment was scheduled for 10:15 AM, and we were seen almost at 1 PM; we were the last ones to be seen in the morning. I don't know if someone arrived after us and was seen before us, because there it's based on the order of arrival, and we might have been about five minutes late and ended up switching our spot with someone who had a later appointment. Otherwise, Sandra would have told us to arrive at 11:15 AM, not 10:15 AM, and we would have waited for two hours, not almost three. But having a child means making sacrifices and putting them first.

    When Dr. Humberto examined you, you had rashes all over your body, on your stomach and back. He said skin diseases are complicated to distinguish; it could be roseola, rubella, or some common skin eczema—it’s very broad, and he’s not a dermatology specialist. He ruled out roseola because it first causes a fever that subsides before the rashes appear. But the rashes appeared along with the fever yesterday, so it’s not it because rosacea appears only after the fever.

    We talked with the doctor, had a chat, and he said it was nothing serious. He prescribed some medications, antihistamines, and we went home. Your cheeks remained red for a few more days but then cleared up, and everything was fine. However, on the sixth, my mom said that my sister took your cousin to the hospital because he had rashes all over his body. I said it was the same thing you had because you saw each other a few days earlier, but even so, I was hesitant to keep you two close together since both of you were sick with possibly different illnesses.

    In the hospital, the doctor told my sister that what Rafinha had was hand foot and mouth disease, something your pediatrician never mentioned, which increased our concern. The pediatrician said it’s usually a mild illness, but it often causes rashes on the face and mouth ulcers, making it hard for children to eat and drink. If a child can’t stay hydrated, hospitalization might be necessary. What made things worse was that my sister was about to travel at night with Rafael on that trip my mom had booked some time ago for them to enjoy a little honeymoon, which she had also offered to your dad and me, but I didn’t want to leave you behind. So, besides leaving her sick child, my mom would have the huge responsibility of keeping an eye on and taking care of Rafinha, who might get worse.

    So, on Saturday the eighth, I went to my mom’s house with you. Your dad didn’t come because we were still arguing, and he said he needed some time away from my parents’ house. Actually, he didn’t say he needed time; he just preferred not to go all the time. This was the second weekend he wouldn’t go. My sister left Rafinha at Rafael’s mom’s house on Saturday, and he was supposed to sleep at my mom’s house on Sunday so you two could play together. But since we were almost sure you both had different illnesses, my mom decided to pick up Rafinha only on Monday after I took you back home. I needed her to watch you so we could do the live sales event, and Tayna, Rafael’s mom, was also there to help, so I needed a bit more help in this situation.

    We went there Saturday night, and everything was normal, but around 11:30 PM, Sueli, Rafael’s mom, called my mom and said Rafinha wouldn’t stop crying and screaming in pain. She showed photos and videos of him, and he was covered in rashes all over his body, his face looked like it had many cold sores, and his little private area was full of sores. He wouldn’t stop touching his private parts. My mom, being very worried, almost panicked. She talked to my dad, showed him everything, and they decided to go pick up Rafinha from Sueli’s house. Sueli doesn’t mind taking care of her grandson, but she doesn’t like being responsible when he’s sick and doesn’t feel comfortable doing so, which is totally understandable.

    At the table, after talking to Sueli, my mom cried out of nervousness, saying it was such bad luck that Rafinha got sick this week when his parents were going to travel. If it had been a week earlier or later, none of this would have happened. They chose a random date, and just on that random date, Rafinha got sick. She found herself in a complicated situation because, firstly, she couldn’t call my sister and Rafael as it would scare them and ruin their fun trip, and there would be nothing they could do to solve it. But at the same time, it was a big responsibility not to tell the parents about their child’s illness, even though it’s not a dangerous disease, it’s still a significant responsibility. Not only that but the exhaustion of having to leave home at midnight to go to Mairiporã to pick up the grandson, and after picking him up, they would have to stop at the pharmacy to get the medication. After Sueli called her, my mom also bothered Dr. Humberto on a Saturday night, in the middle of the night, and he, wonderful as always, called her back and explained all about this hand, foot, and mouth disease and said she needed to buy a specific spray. So, the plan was to pick up Rafinha from Sueli’s house in Mairiporã, drive down to São Paulo to buy the medication, and then return to Mairiporã again. 

    So, we all decided together that I would return to the apartment with you so you wouldn’t have contact with Rafinha. After all, you didn’t have any pain, you could eat normally, and your condition was very different. I talked to your dad and my parents, and around midnight, we decided to go back to the apartment, and that’s what we did. But before that, I suggested to my mom that she check if there was a 24-hour pharmacy near Sueli’s house so they wouldn’t have to go all the way to São Paulo, another city, and then return to Mairiporã. They liked the idea, and in the end, everything worked out. But tomorrow, we’ll have to figure out how to do the live sales event since your dad will have to take care of you and won’t be able to help me, and I need someone to assist me. We’ll see. At least for now we're trying to dodge a bullet, if you have this disease it'll be so bad.

     09-12/06 Chapter 269: Something wasn't right here

    The live stream worked and was a success, just as good or almost as good as the first one I did. The secret is not to give up, and to know how to collect and make new clients.

    Giovanna came to help me while your dad was supposed to watch you, but Giovanna came accompanied by my aunt Rosane and my grandmother Sonia, and later Claudio came up and ended up staying with you the whole time. It was good because they distracted you and your dad had time to make dinner.

    Happy with the outcome and the total profit from the live stream, I went to bed hopeful for future lives.

    During the week, we went to check out more buffet options, and one day I wanted to take my mom to the two buffets I liked the most to help me decide. So, Rafinha missed school, and she brought him along so you could play together, which was the best decision. You had fun at THREE buffets the entire day. At the first one, my mom liked the attractions, prices, and indoor space. You played on the slide for a long time and in the ball pit too. You cried a lot when it was time to leave.

    At the second buffet, my mom was enchanted by the space, the food, everything! It was her favorite, and she even wants to throw a party for my grandparents' anniversary there next year. We spent a good amount of time there, and you had just as much fun! My sister stopped by at the end of the night to check it out too.

    Finally, we visited one I still didn’t know but ended up liking a lot. We were especially impressed with the size of the ball pit. You played a lot, and it had all the attractions I wanted. However, the appetizers weren’t very good (who wants to eat couscous?), and I even thought about booking with them too; but the attendant started pressuring us, and I don’t like that. None of the other buffets we visited this year pressured us, this was the first. Not even the other one we visited in another location from the same chain pressured us. She was so desperate that she made a fatal mistake... When she asked for a deposit to book, and I said we would take the proposal to my dad (who would pay for the party) before deciding, she said we were very lucky that the date of October 19th, a Saturday, was still available. So far, so good... But then, she went to the kitchen and came back with another attendant saying that the lady behind us wanted to book for the 19th too, and another one was coming to book the party for the 19th as well.

    I found it confusing, and she explained that the lady behind us was booking the 19th for lunch and asked the other attendant as if I were dumb and would fall for this story:

    - The lady coming now is sure to book for October 19th for dinner

    - Yes, that's right.

    - But is she really coming?

    - Yes, absolutely!

    In other words, she wanted to say that if I didn’t pay the deposit right then, another lady would come later to book the contract for the 19th at night (the date and time we wanted) but since she was talking to us first and in person, she would give us preference.

    After understanding that this was a sales marketing ploy (and a poorly executed one), I said to give preference to the other woman then, and if the date was no longer available, we would understand. Then she said:

    - No, don’t worry, let us know then.

    It was OBVIOUS that it was pressure, a stupid ploy, and a lie! And it looked really bad for them... But after getting home, I googled the company and they were not well-rated due to their food service. Many complaints saying they held back the food, didn’t serve continuously, and made faces when people complained. That alone is enough for me to rule out a buffet, combined with the pressure and false psychological game they played, despite LOVING the environment, attractions, and space, I ruled it out!

    A few days later, she contacted me asking if I had reviewed the proposal. Wait, I thought a client was definitely coming to book the date for October 19th, and if we didn’t book right then, we would lose the date? A joke, right, why do that? I was really considering booking with them. So, I said I saw the reviews on Google and since my family eats a lot, I wouldn’t book with them because food is a very important point (I didn’t even mention her mind game and the terrible performance of those saleswomen, but I should have). Then she tried to counter-argue by showing screenshots of good feedback, but I said I had already booked with another buffet because of the food issue.

    Keep something in mind: when a company is good, in demand, and well-rated, it doesn't need to play these marketing/psychological games to get clients; it doesn't need to pressure a client to close a deal, and it doesn't need to beg or insist. They know their value and reputation, they will present and trust their product, their reviews, and allow the client to feel comfortable to return and make their choice. A company that insists, pressures, and makes you uncomfortable is likely experiencing financial crises or is desperate for clients, so you should be cautious.

    I haven’t closed with any buffet yet, but I think I will go with the second one. I loved both, but I have to make a decision. And let’s organize your beautiful 2nd birthday party, my love!!!!!! Now you really enjoy the toys, and it will be an unforgettable night!

    14/06 Chapter 270: Something wasn't right here

    Today was the day I went to the orphanage bazaar to try to sell some things to help them and bring some donations. For a while now, I've been going there every week to do this. The bazaar is connected to the children's orphanage; they receive donation items from people, open a store with everything priced very low, and everything sold in this store is 100% reverted to the children for rent of the space they're in, hygiene items, food, school supplies, medicine, and everything else they need.

    I try to collect as many donations as possible to help them, but people only think about sales and are often selfish. I'm starting to try to sell some of my good products, and if I can't, I take them directly there.

    In past weeks, I saw they were selling an electric children's motorcycle for R$250... a week passed, and they lowered it to R$200, and another week passed, and they lowered it to R$150. A children's motorcycle like that costs more than R$1000, and even the one I bought a few months ago used cost 390 reais, and the orphanage's was in better condition. I told them to stop lowering it because it was a steal and to be patient as it would sell soon.

    This week, an incredible giant electric car arrived that the previous owner paid almost 5,000 for back then, and today it's worth more than R$2500, and they were selling it for only 300. I even thought of you, but in our apartment, forget it, it's too small, and at your grandparents' house, you already have so many toys. But it was amazing and practically a giveaway. I even sent it to one of my clients who has a daughter a bit older than you, and she said her father was enchanted, asked for the address, and said he would go see it someday.

    I know two weeks have passed, and the car hasn't sold. When I arrived at the bazaar, Gabi (who is now in charge since Mrs. Vera unfortunately passed away recently) said that everyone who went to the bazaar saw the car, it was a hit, but when they asked the price, they backed out. One lady even asked, Gabi said R$300, and she thought it was absurd, said it was a donation, that someone donated that product, and therefore they shouldn't profit so much from it, and that it should be around R$50.

    And then, Gabi said they were considering lowering the price, even after explaining to the ignorant lady that the same car online cost a fortune, and compared to anywhere else it was being sold, it was very cheap, giving someone the opportunity to buy and acquire it much more easily, and in return, the money would go to the children. Wow, that made me so furious! I almost begged Gabi not to lower the price of the car. Doesn't the idiot understand that all the money is for the children? That it's a charitable cause? People want to take advantage of even CHARITABLE CAUSES, FOR GOD'S SAKE! Not to mention that the person who donates such an expensive product to an institution's bazaar doesn't want their product, worth at least R$1500, to be sold for R$50 in a store. The person wants the cause to raise as much as possible with their product, after all, that same person could have sold the product and kept the money, or sold the product for more and donated the net value instead of the product.

    I, for example, if I can't donate money now but decide to donate, I don't know, a Tiffany necklace of mine worth R$2000 to help the orphanage, I'd like them to sell my product for at least R$500 so that this money can help the children's shelter in some way. Of course, selling it privately, I could get a better value of R$1000, for example, but not everyone has clients, time, and a way to sell. So, I'd rather help with R$500 than with nothing with a product or piece I no longer use. Now, if I see my necklace, my jewelry being sold for R$50 when it's worth R$2000 just because it's a bazaar, I'd be sad and would think twice about donating something there again. It's not because it's a bazaar, it's because it's practically free. People need more love, empathy, and knowledge!

    I was so outraged that I immediately called my mother to talk about what happened. She told my father, and your grandpa told us to buy the car! There, we made everyone at the shelter happy and content knowing that there will always be someone who will value and recognize certain causes. And for heaven's sake, it's not a favor either, buying such a cheap car, it will be your joy for a long time. So I can say it was a win-win situation.

    Still not happy, I told Gabi that if that bold woman came back, she should make a point of saying nicely that the product sold, so she understands once and for all that no one in the world is an idiot and the world doesn't revolve around her. Unhappy person.

    Now, dear, you have a car! It will be taken to your grandparents' house today, and over the weekend, you will play a lot.

    15/06 Chapter 271: Grab your passport and my hand

    Your dad and I have talked and come to the following conclusion: we will try to improve the romantic aspect of our relationship. We will be more affectionate with each other, try to give more kisses, hugs, and do small things for each other, things that we often forget in our daily lives but are important for a couple's relationship. We discussed that we will try to give a little more of ourselves to each other and to our relationship until after our planned trip to San Diego. If, after this trip, things are still not going well and we still can't behave naturally as a couple, then we will know the answer and what we need to do.

    Since I lived in San Diego, I have always wanted my parents to know there, the city that I consider my home and my haven. For the first time, I managed to convince my parents to go. However, since your father and I are in a complicated romantic situation, this was preventing us from buying the trip and setting a date for all of us to go together. But now we have decided and discussed that if things don't improve by September, then we will each go our separate ways and raise you separately. I can only hope that we succeed and reach the level we want to achieve. We have about two months ahead of us, and I will continue to do my best to ensure that our relationship and family continue to function harmoniously.

    This weekend, your dad went to my parents' house. We went as a couple, definitively since we decided to make this attempt until after the trip, and finally, to my complete happiness and excitement, we bought the plane tickets. It's official: we are going to San Diego, home sweet home.

    The tickets were a bit more expensive than I expected. Last year, I spent around R$12,000 for the three of us, and this year it went a bit higher, but that's okay, it will be worth it.

    After hours of trying to finalize the trip and succeeding, it was time to go on Airbnb and look for a house to stay in. The only problem is that my parents didn't agree to stay for a month as I was planning, but only three weeks. For me, having waited so long to return to my home and spending so much money, it should be for a month. I thought my parents had learned their lesson from the trip to Orlando, where they only stayed for two weeks and saw how quickly time passed and then regretted it, but apparently not. They will regret it again, especially since San Diego has much more to offer than Orlando in terms of beaches, shopping, attractions like zoos, etc. But that's okay, I had already achieved the impossible by convincing my father, so if everything is happening on my terms, I won't demand too much.

    Going back to the house episode, it was torture finding a place to stay, especially since we left it to the last minute, when summer there is starting, and everything is getting much more expensive. Everything is very pricey, around U$5,000 to stay for three weeks, which is absurd. The better houses were a bit more expensive, and the worse ones were really bad... But it seems today was my lucky day. I found an incredible house in the same location where we stayed last year in La Mesa, and I can't believe it was priced like the bad houses. A modern, beautiful, chic house, fit for rich people. And it was the same price as the bad houses that were available. I only managed to get this house because I changed some dates since the first date I chose wasn't available. Of course, we are still paying a fortune; to give you an idea, we are paying R$23,000 to stay for three weeks. It's a lot of money. Rent here in Brazil usually ranges between R$2,000 to R$3,000 per month. We're talking about R$23,000. But it's okay because my father and I will split it half and half, so it won't be too heavy just for one person, and my father makes a really good income. So, of course, it's a bit heavier on me, but after all, I'm the one who wants this trip. I know that neither the airfare nor the house charge went through on my mother's credit card, which has a high limit. But since I'm now a VIP client at Itaú, I have a black card, and my limit is R$100,000 per month. Believe it or not, the airfare went through on the first try. As for Airbnb, it didn't go through for one reason: we were waiting for the house owner to accept our proposal to stay at their house. After all, it's not a hotel; Airbnb involves homeowners who can decide whether or not to accept someone staying in their house. So now we just wait, cross our fingers, and hope that they approve our stay in their beautiful house so we can finally celebrate. My mother wanted to celebrate with champagne, but I said we would only celebrate once everything was confirmed and we had a house to stay in as well. Let's wait for the next chapters.

    17-20/06 Chapter 272: You got a friend in me

    This week was calm and much better romantically for me and your dad. We are doing what we agreed upon by paying more attention to our relationship, and so far, we are sticking to it. Now the problem we are facing recently is with your sleep. It's not that you aren't sleeping; you aren't sleeping in your own bed. I thought you would be great at this—sleeping alone and for a long time—but children go through phases, and yours is changing. So, what I do is put you to sleep in our bed, mine and your dad's, and after I manage to get you to sleep, usually quickly, I move you to your little bed in your room. I close the door, then I have dinner with your dad and watch a movie. However, during this time, you always wake up a few times and cry, whether because your pacifier fell, you had a nightmare, etc., and we always come to give you the pacifier, and everything is fine. But ever since your crib became a bed permanently, it seems like things have gotten worse. Now, you don't just wake up complaining; you wake up fully. That is, you don't want to go back to sleep. So, we pick you up, carry you to our bed again, and you sleep. But whenever I carry you back to your bed, you wake up again after a while. And now this has become a vicious cycle; whenever I put you to sleep in your little bed, you sleep for a while and then wake up in our bed. This is not good for you, your independence, or for us as a couple. Not to mention the space—our bed isn't even queen-sized, so it's quite cramped!

    We are trying not to give in. Sometimes when you wake up, I try to lie down with you on your mattress. I have even put your mattress on the floor because when you roll over and turn in your bed, you fall onto the mattress, and that wakes you up. So, I tried putting the mattress on the floor, but that didn't help either. I try to sleep with you, make you go back to sleep, but as soon as I leave, you wake up again after a while. So, we need to solve this sleep issue. I thought about buying a Montessori bed, decorating it with stuffed animals to make you more excited to sleep in your own bed. We'll have to work on this.

    Other than that, we had a great and delightful week. You made new friends and are very close to Cheila's kids, who live on the seventh floor. Little Noah is five years old, and Sofia is eight, and they love playing with you, and you with them. It's pure happiness! You hug each other, play together, and Cheila even invited us over this week to have cheese bread at her place, and you almost ate everyone's cheese bread.

    There was also a monkey toy that I bought for you, a toy that you simply loved. It's the toy you have liked the most since you were born. You don't let go of the monkey, and every time you ask for it, making monkey sounds, it's so cute. You want to sleep with it, and when you wake up, you ask for it again. It's full of air, so you keep pulling on it and its fur. But Noah wanted to play with it, and you didn't want to let him, so he cried. I promised him that I would buy another monkey as soon as I went back to the store, and now I definitely need to buy a monkey for him.


    21/06 Chapter 273: You're ready as can be

    Today we had June festivals to go to. I was so excited the next day. When you become a mother, you don't have many outings and events to attend, the invitations decrease a lot, and also because our life becomes much busier than a single life, for example, we end up going out less. So, since we had three parties to attend, I was very excited.

    One of them would be the little party that was going to take place at the orphanage. The orphanage volunteers got together and decided to throw a little party not only for the orphanage children and all the volunteers who help daily but also for the people who always buy at the bazaar and help in some way. They invited the bazaar customers by word of mouth to the June festival at the orphanage with the children. They emphasized that nothing would be paid, not even the entrance fee, and there would be no need to spend anything on games or activities, nor to pay for food. Everything would be on them. But I was mainly excited to take you to meet the orphanage children, as well as your father, and for you to be able to play with the children since you love kids so much.

    But before we went to the orphanage party, we first went to your old school's party because your cousin was going to dance the quadrilha at 1:00 PM. Your father decided not to go, and in the end, I was grateful because when we arrived at the door, the entrance fee was R$40 for those who were not students at the school. I think they could have been kind and not charged us the entrance fee since you are going back in September, they know that, and your enrollment is even on hold, but it's okay, I paid the R$40, but I swear if I had known I would have to pay that amount, I wouldn't have gone. Very expensive. But since I was there at the door with you, I wasn't going to turn back. I paid the R$40, and we went in. Soon we saw a ball pit where your cousin Rafinha was. You played with him for about 20 minutes until the time was up, then we went to another part of the schoolyard where you both had a lot of fun.

    After playing in the playground, we watched the children's dances, and then it was time for the nursery children's dance, which was your class and your cousin's current class. The nursery's song was "Caranguejo Peixe é." It was so cute to see the children crouching to the rhythm of the music.

    We stayed a little longer, and then your dad came to pick us up so we could go to the June festival at the orphanage. I was very excited for it. As soon as we got there, since there was no place to park the car, I paid for a parking spot that was quite cheap and right next to the orphanage. Then, as soon as we walked out of the parking lot, I saw a spot right in front of the orphanage. How frustrating… I hate when that happens. Well, I wasn’t going to let that ruin my day. We entered and were warmly welcomed, but right at the entrance, they asked us to hand over our cell phones, mine and your dad’s, because we couldn't bring them into the back area, the yard where the party with the children was happening, as we weren't allowed to take photos of them. One of the volunteers explained that at the beginning of the party, they weren't collecting phones, but since many people didn’t respect the rule and started taking photos of the children anyway, they had to start collecting it. We didn't see any problem with that, so we left our phones at the reception and soon went to see the children. To my surprise, there were quite a few babies. The last time I visited the orphanage, the number of babies was very small, with children mostly around four to 9 years old. But this time was different, and they told us that there are now many more babies than children.

    There were about five babies in the ball pit, ranging from six months to a year and a half old, and you immediately jumped into the ball pit to play as well. You were the biggest one there. My goodness, my heart filled with love and also with apprehension, seeing that you were the biggest one there. You've grown so much, my daughter. How can you be the biggest among them? Just yesterday, you were kicking inside my belly. I hope time slows down because, honestly, it’s going by way too fast.

    We spent some time interacting with the children, you, and your dad, and then we sat down to eat some delicious sausage sandwiches they were serving us. We also grabbed a soda and watched you play in a playhouse in the yard. You simply loved that. It was a large plastic playhouse that is usually kept outside where a child can go inside and spend a lot of time just playing and being creative. Inside this little house, there was also a pretend sink and faucet. You always did the same things: you would open the house door, go to the sink and pretend to wash your hands, then open the window, smile, and then close the window. Your dad was enchanted with the little house and said we could buy one. When we got home, I was going to look it up. Of course, it would be for your grandparents' house because there’s no room for a house like that in our apartment. But I must admit, I was quite excited about the idea too, and imagining putting little pots, toy food, knives, and having you enjoy yourself a lot. If you were already having fun without any accessories, imagine with a toy refrigerator, microwave, and kitchen accessories. It would be such a great distraction for you, and you wouldn't leave that toy anytime soon, which could even be considered an investment.

    We didn't stay long at the party because at 7:00 PM, your aunt’s June festival would start. And guess what I did? I rented an inflatable slide, which is a slide that goes into a ball pit. I paid R$500 but was very happy because I'm sure you and your cousin will have a lot of fun. So now I was excited for the third party. I also invited my friend Camila, her husband Danilo, and their daughter Maria Fernanda to the party too.

    Even though I was excited, your dad was a bit down, not very happy to go out, feeling a bit low. When I asked if something was wrong, he said he wasn't feeling well. He felt feverish, weak, and tired. He said he would try to stay until the end of the June festival at my sister's house, but he wasn't sure. So, we left the orphanage party and went to my sister's house.

    When we arrived, the inflatable toy was already set up. At first, you didn't want to slide; you were very scared. You only agreed to slide when I went down with you. This toy is only for children up to seven years old, but since you and your cousin are so small, they let me slide with you. Your cousin loved it; he kept climbing the side ladder and sliding down into the ball pit. But you only liked staying in the ball pit. You had slept the whole day, so you were cranky and tired, which was hindering your fun. I knew that if you didn't rest or sleep a bit, even though it was late, you wouldn't enjoy anything about the party or the toy I had invested so much in. So, I took you to my sister's room and got you to sleep. It took a while, but you fell asleep.

    Meanwhile, my friend arrived with her family, having traveled from far away for our party. We spent a lot of time talking with them and your dad, chatting and sharing. After you woke up, it was almost 9:00 PM. I knew that if you slept too much, the night would be a terror. Not to mention, the inflatable toy was only available for 4 hours of the party, and you had already slept through half of its duration, leaving only 2 or 1.5 hours to enjoy it. So, I managed to wake you up. You didn't cry; you were still a bit tired, but you soon perked up.

    During the time you were sleeping, your cousin had a blast with the inflatable toy, spending all his time there. Even if you didn't get to enjoy it, it would have been worth renting the inflatable just to see your cousin's happiness. But I was a bit sad that you weren't having fun, as I had hoped you would. To my happiness, after you woke up, with almost an hour left to play, you started enjoying it a lot. You got the hang of it and began having fun with your cousin. Now I was happy; you and Rafinha enjoyed the inflatable toy just as I had imagined before renting it. I know it's a high cost, but it was worth every penny to see you both having so much fun. You were finally ready for the slide!

    After the inflatable toy time was over, my friend left, and your dad and I took you home as well. It was a struggle to get you to sleep at night as we had anticipated, but in the end, we managed, and it was a very pleasant day for me. However, your dad still felt unwell. On the other hand, I went to bed happy for having enjoyed the whole day with you and happy for having shared more events and consequently stories to tell.

    This inflatable toy would have been my and my sister's childhood dream when we were kids. But in my time, there were no inflatable toys. Actually, there were, but they were very expensive, and no one rented them for parties; they were usually only found at country clubs and amusement parks. My sister and I used to go on one of these toys every year, but a bit bigger, in Caraguatatuba. Every January and July vacation, our parents would pay for us to play on it for about 20 minutes in the park, and it was already quite expensive. Imagine renting one of these privately for a party; it was impossible. Back then, when my mom threw parties for me and my sister, she would rent a party hall and rent a ball pit and a trampoline, and that was already very fun for us. And look, we were older. If we had had an inflatable slide that landed in a ball pit, it would have been paradise! Now, it’s a much more accessible toy, and I have a bit of financial means to provide you with that. Even though it’s still expensive, just seeing the happiness on your children's faces makes every penny worth it. Your happiness is mine, and I promise that everything within my reach to make you happy, I will do. Of course, I will always teach you that you can't have everything. I don’t want you to become spoiled and think you will get everything you want, because if I raise you that way, the impact you will feel when life gives you your first 'no' will be very strong.

    22/06 Chapter 274: Spinning 'round and 'round

    Today was both good and strange. I’ll start by explaining why. Like any other normal weekend, we were supposed to do a live at the apartment with your dad in the evening. As usual, Giovanna was going to help me with the live while taking care of you in the meantime. This was because your dad wasn't feeling well. Since yesterday, he had been complaining about feeling unwell, but today it seemed to have gotten worse. His face, hands, and feet were all covered in bumps. He said it hurt to walk and that the bumps felt like tiny needles poking him all the time. When your dad gets sick, he acts like a child. I, on the other hand, was feeling great, full of energy. Since he wasn't feeling well, he said he didn't have the energy to do the live and would rather lose the money than make money from the live. So, Giovanna helped me again.

    In the afternoon, you were lying on my bed with grandpa, and then I came to change you. While I was lying on the bed trying to relax, something happened that had never happened to me before. I felt like I was going to faint. Everything spun and went black for a moment. It was so quick, just a few seconds, but it was so scary that I screamed for your dad: "STAAAAAAAN." He was on the balcony next to where I was. I didn't feel nauseous or anything, just everything spinning like I was on a roller coaster, and then it went black for a few seconds. But after a few seconds, it went away. Your dad thought I was being dramatic or something and told me to calm down, kind of shouting, not exactly shouting, but in a strong, authoritative tone, telling me to calm down. I confess I was upset because when someone shouts for help, you immediately run to see what's wrong and try to help them. And he didn’t do that. Sometimes, small actions like this from your dad, which aren’t actually that small, make me very sad and frustrated. If I had shouted like that to my mom, for example, she would have immediately come running, shouting to know what was wrong. But anyway...

    I found this dizziness very strange, and after I felt it, I didn’t feel like I was about to faint again like I did on the bed, but I felt a bit dizzy, like I had some kind of vertigo. I wasn't feeling well in terms of balance. So, I lay down for a few hours and rested while you played with your grandparents and your dad.

    When I woke up, it was already time to go to the apartment because the live session was about to start. So, I quickly got everything ready, put you in your car seat, and we went home. I still wasn’t feeling 100%, but I felt better after resting.

    We arrived at the apartment, your dad took care of you, and Giovanna helped me a lot with the live session. To my happiness, it was a success again! You know, I work a lot and get very tired, but these victories make every second worth it. I enjoy working in sales; it’s something that gives me pleasure. It's true that it often makes me tired and gives me headaches, but the pleasure I feel is greater.

    After Giovanna left, your dad and I got into an argument because he thought I was only thinking about myself while being sick. He was also feeling unwell and didn't have time to rest or sleep. First of all, he could have gone to sleep with me when I went to rest and left you with my parents, so his argument doesn't make much sense. Second, these are two completely different situations. He has some dermatological issue, possibly related to a skin condition, whereas I was feeling dizzy and couldn't stand up. There's no comparison. It upsets me that he didn't understand why I went to rest feeling the way I did and showed no concern for my condition. I didn't show much concern for his condition because it was visibly a skin issue, some dermatitis, something not theoretically considered serious at first glance.

    The truth is, everything between us always has to be a competition. It always seems like a contest about who is right, who is wrong, who feels more pain, who feels less pain, and whether we'll do what X or Y wants. This is extremely tiring at times. I wasn't trying to compete with his illness or how he was feeling. But I, Natasha, felt sick enough to need to lie down, and if he didn't feel the need to lie down, that's not my problem. He could have also decided to rest.

    Later, he complained that when he went to lie down, which was close to the time we had to leave, I turned on the bedroom light to look for our passport. We needed to go to the consulate the next day to collect the new one and present the old one. I couldn't find the old passport. My dad asked me to look for it in our bedroom so he could make a copy and ensure we had all the necessary documents. I quickly turned on the light to search for the passport, and your dad got very upset about it. We have such stupid arguments, over such trivial things, that it can be disheartening. It was something important that I was doing, and I know he was resting, but I needed to find it. Then he came up with the theory that my rest isn't as important as his. First, he decided to rest 10 minutes before we had to leave, and second, a light shouldn't prevent him from resting. But let's leave it at that.

    At night, before going to sleep, when I lay down on the bed, I felt that dizziness and almost blacked out again. I got scared and thought, 'This isn't normal; something is happening.' This was even more evident when I picked you up to put you in the crib. As soon as I bent down to place you, I felt a strong dizziness again and almost fell to the floor, completely losing my balance.

    24/06 Chapter 275: There's too much at stake

    We woke up early because we had to be on Avenida Paulista by 9:00 AM, actually 15 minutes before nine to get in line to collect our passport. So, imagine how tiring the day already started, right?! It began with the Italian consulate making us wait. They delayed almost an hour for passport collections, quite different from the day we went to renew them when everything happened exactly on time. And to make things better, when I went in, they only found your passport, and mine seemed to be lost. The lady went upstairs to look for mine, and after a few minutes, thank God, she came back with it in hand, and we went home.

    I was still very worried because I was still feeling the same concerning dizziness, so my mom said she would come by the house later in the afternoon and take me to São Camilo Hospital.

    But in the late afternoon, we went to the hospital, and this time of year, autumn to winter, is the worst as I’ve told you in previous chapters, the worst time to go to the hospital, it’s all very crowded. And it was no different for me; we got there, I went through triage and the nurse asked if I had ever been diagnosed with labyrinthitis based on the symptoms I described to her, and I said no. I felt it wasn’t labyrinthitis because, from the conversation I had with my father, who has labyrinthitis, it’s different. With labyrinthitis, you feel dizzy, but you don’t feel like you’re about to faint as happened to me a few times, and the ringing I felt in my ear, with labyrinthitis, is more like a whistle. The nurse then transferred me to the ENT ward, and because of that, the wait at the hospital wasn’t as long, even though the queue occupied all the available seats in the waiting room.

    I believe I waited about 20 or 30 minutes to be called by an ENT specialist, a very attentive and friendly doctor who, after hearing my story, examined me generally and even performed a neurological test with her fingers in my vision, which apparently was fine. However, I insisted on a CT scan, and she decided to refer me for one to put me at ease, which made me happy because the only reason I went to the hospital was to get a CT scan. I could have asked our private doctor to request a CT scan, but I knew it would take weeks to schedule one at a lab, so I decided to go to the hospital for an immediate scan.

    She also said she would prescribe an IV medication to help with the dizziness and an ECG to check if everything was okay with my heart. She believed it was something emotional, like anxiety, but I was sure it wasn't that. The symptom was too strong and too physical to be emotional. There was definitely something wrong, and I was terrified of the CT scan.

    On Sunday night and today, I could only think that I might have a brain tumor, for example, and this devastated me monstrously because I can't think about dying—I have you! I need to live many, many years with you still, live stories, teach you things, travel, play; I need to do many, many things with you still. So the thought of not being there for you scares me immensely. Therefore, I was very, very afraid of doing this CT scan, but I knew it was necessary.

    The hell began when I went to the medication room. I was already feeling very dizzy, and I would not only have to be pricked to receive medication but also to have blood drawn because the doctor also requested a blood test. My mother came into the medication room with me, and unfortunately, I got a terrible nurse. Sometimes you get lucky and get someone very good, and sometimes you get unlucky as I did with this incompetent nurse. At first, I thought everything would be fine because she gave me good news, saying I would only be pricked once and not twice as I was expecting. She would use the same needle for both procedures.

    However, my happiness ended when she told my mom that my mom needed to leave, that the medication room didn't allow companions. My mom emphasized that it was okay but told her that I was very afraid of needles, that I would feel sick, and besides, I was already feeling dizzy, so if possible, to recline the chair and be careful. My mom left, and everything she said went in one ear and out the other because the woman did everything the opposite. First, she didn't recline my chair. Second, I felt such a strong pain in my arm, as if she had burst one of my veins. Before she pricked me, she asked which arm I preferred, and I told her it didn't matter but to check which vein was better, whether in the right or left arm. She didn't check and simply chose the right arm without seeing if the left was better, and she hurt me terribly. Besides that, I felt her squeezing my arm to get the blood out. I almost fainted, everything spun again, and after a while, I had to beg her to recline the chair because I was about to faint. The idiot then reclined the chair but never made sure I was okay, never asked if everything was fine, displaying a coldness I had never seen before. How can a “professional” like that choose nursing as a career? A profession that should care for others, look after others, be kind to patients? It's her problem if something happened in her life, if she's in a bad mood, or whatever her problem is, people don't deserve to be treated that way because of her personal issues or simply because she's a bitter person. She should choose another profession that doesn't involve human contact, another job where she can show her bad mood and antipathy without harming others. I can't accept this. Later, I texted my mom about what happened, and she was very angry, wanting to go back to complain about her and speak some truths, but I said it wasn't worth it, to just let it go… all I know is that I felt a lot of pain.

    Then I did the ECG with the same witch, and the results came out fine. After about an hour lost in the medication room, I went for the CT scan.

    It took me about 20 minutes to get to the CT scan room, which wasn’t too long, but the actual wait for the CT scan took much longer. I was the second to arrive, and after me, three more people came, making a total of five people waiting. I was the second last to be seen. Each person who went in for the CT scan took about 20 to 30 minutes to complete the procedure. Even my mom went to the CT scan room to check if everything was okay because I was taking too long. I was sure they had lost my file or confused it because I was the second to arrive, and there was only one person with an urgent need ahead of me. The worst part was that when I finally went in for the CT scan, it didn’t even take two minutes to complete the procedure. How could they not prioritize a CT scan that takes about two minutes over others that take half an hour, resulting in over two hours of waiting? Don’t these idiots know how to work? The girl who arrived after me, who was supposed to be the third to be seen but ended up being the last, had the same experience. Her procedure also took exactly two minutes, just like mine.

    All I know is that we spent more than five hours in the hospital. We had already encountered the second shift of doctors and almost a third. The CT scan didn’t show any problems; thankfully, it seemed like I didn’t have anything wrong in my head. I confess I left relieved but also worried because, despite not having a tumor, which was my main concern, I knew something was wrong, and the doctors weren’t finding out what it was. The second doctor said the same thing, that I should see an ENT specialist to check for possible labyrinthitis or maybe anxiety. I know it’s not anxiety. Now, I don’t know what to do; while I am more at ease, I am also worried. My mom even said, "See? It was nothing." And I replied, "Thankfully, right?"

    All I know is that I’m still feeling dizzy, often to the point of almost fainting, and now I’m experiencing a lot of pain in my foot. I think I walked a lot, but it feels like it’s tingling and hurting at the same time. I’m not sure if it’s because I walked a lot or if it’s another symptom, but it hurts even to put on shoes.

    I got home very late after your dad spent the entire night taking care of you. When I arrived, it was already time to put you to bed. I missed you and hugged you a lot, still afraid that something might be wrong and that nobody would discover what it is, and afraid of losing you in a way.

    25/06 Chapter 276: That could be the end of me

    Today, I woke up angry because I had a mosquito bite between my toes. There was also a bite on my heel and a few on my hand. The night before, I had seen the mosquito with your dad; we tried to kill it but couldn't, but luckily, the mosquito didn't bite either your dad or you.

    Later, I spent the day trying to help the charity bazaar by selling some items in my sales group. I spent a good amount of time there, and my foot started to hurt a lot. I felt pains in my foot, as if I had many tiny needles in it. But it was only at night that I finally discovered what was happening.

    When you were already asleep, I was watching a TV show with your dad. When I looked at my hand, it was covered in bumps. Then everything made sense: I hadn't been bitten by a mosquito; what we saw the night before must have been a moth or a flying ant. I realized I had caught hand, foot, and mouth disease just like your dad. Now I understood why I was breaking out in bumps, why I thought I had bites on my foot that weren't actually bites, why my foot hurt exactly as your dad described, and why I was feeling dizzy! Each body and organism are different, and in my case, one of the symptoms was also dizziness. I felt relieved and happy for a moment because I was very worried about having something serious that the doctors couldn't identify. I even told your dad that I needed a Dr. House, taking advantage of the moment we're watching the series. By the way, it's one of my favorite shows, but your dad had never watched it before; he said he didn't like it, just like Friends, and now he's enjoying it a lot—he's actually addicted and even stopped watching Criminal Minds with me.

    Anyway, back to the point, I was relieved, and your dad said it made sense. So, I called my mom, told her what happened, and now everyone was relieved. I had caught hand, foot, and mouth disease, Tayna had caught it too, and then your dad and I did. To give you an idea, it's very rare for an adult to catch hand, foot, and mouth disease. This disease is like chickenpox and is usually only caught once in a lifetime. Generally, adults have already had it in childhood, making it impossible to catch again in adulthood. But even if an adult didn't catch it in childhood, it's still very rare for an adult to get it. To give you more precise data, about 90% of people who catch hand, foot, and mouth are children, meaning only about 10% of adults are affected by it. But if you're heavily exposed to the virus and didn't catch it in childhood, the chance of contracting the disease increases. Considering that several people in our family had it, it's normal that your dad and I caught it.

    That was fine, but my peace ended when I researched more about the disease and the relationship between dizziness and hand, foot, and mouth disease. Then came some alarming news and concerns. Dizziness and fainting or the sensation of fainting are not normal symptoms of hand, foot, and mouth disease in either children or adults. It was very difficult to find articles that talked about dizziness related to the disease; I think I didn't find any Brazilian articles. But I persisted and found a few English articles that addressed the topic a bit. To my surprise, the articles said the same thing: when an adult catches this disease and feels dizzy, it's not a good sign. This means that, although rare, the Coxsackie virus can enter the brain and cause central nervous system (CNS) infections. BUT NOTE: THIS IS VERY RARE!

    So let's go: Being an adult and catching hand, foot, and mouth disease is already rare; the virus entering the brain is even rarer! But apparently, my persona loves bad rarities like paresthesia and now this!!!!!!!!!! Never a rarity like winning the lottery, right?

    My fear only increased when I read about a 35-year-old nurse (foreign) who caught it from her baby daughter, felt severe dizziness, and died. Damn.... I don't have a brain tumor, but I do have something else. My relief didn't last even minutes, and I called my mother, who thought I was being dramatic and a drama queen about it, but she was also very concerned that my dizziness persisted.

    Well, things don't end there. If the virus indeed enters the brain and the person doesn't treat it IN TIME (like the poor nurse mother who lost her life), it can cause aseptic meningitis, encephalitis, acute flaccid myelitis, and last but not least, myocarditis. Only good things, right? Now my fear was going to the hospital and having them test for meningitis, which is one of the most painful procedures when they extract fluid from your spine with a needle the size of a basketball player's arm.

    I had this procedure done when I was hospitalized and almost dying at 3 years old, but thank God I don't remember anything, not even the pain. But one thing I knew: even not remembering the pain, I would do the impossible not to remember and relive it. This is a memory that deserves to stay buried deep in my brain.

    In rare cases, the virus can spread to the CNS and cause symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, and more serious neurological signs. And that was exactly what was happening to me: a lot of dizziness, headache, and the neurological signs could be my lack of balance and me falling to the ground. Your father also said he saw me trying to open the car door and missing twice. I don't remember this, but he swore he saw it. And I dropped the car keys three times today, in seconds.

    In summary, while Coxsackievirus infections are usually mild, the virus can, in rare cases, spread to the brain and cause serious conditions like meningitis and encephalitis by crossing the blood-brain barrier and infecting CNS tissues.

    In other words, I still run the risk of dying and never seeing you again!

    26/06 Chapter 277: Somewhere in the darkness, there's a light

    Today I woke up with very strong dizziness again in the morning, so I called my mom almost crying and told her about the dizziness again. My mom, still a bit sleepy but already very worried, said she would try to call the doctors right away to see what she could schedule for me.

    My mom first tried to book an appointment with the ENT specialist, which was what the hospital doctors said to do to check for the possibility of labyrinthitis or some ear problem, and so she did. In our last two or three consultations, we saw this doctor whom we actually liked quite a bit, even though he is a bit far away. After much insistence, she managed to get an appointment with this ENT specialist on the same day at 2:00 PM. But still not confident enough, she also scheduled an appointment with Dr. Bernardo, who is the doctor that gives her injections every 10 days and the one who managed to prevent my condition from worsening. He isn’t just a pediatrician but also treats adults. Actually, he is an all-rounder; he is a doctor for everything: skin, lungs, children, adults, it’s crazy. But a good kind of crazy, right? It’s good to know that there are doctors who understand a bit of all specialties, who have broad knowledge across various fields of medicine, and nowadays, it’s rare.

    So, she scheduled with Dr. Bernardo for 4:00 PM, after the ENT specialist, because I actually sent a voice message during the night to both Dr. Bernardo and Dr. Humberto, and Dr. Bernardo simply replied with: “Come to the office tomorrow.” This means, I believe, that if he thought it was nothing serious, he wouldn’t have said that. So, his message worried me a bit, and that’s why we scheduled with him after the ENT specialist as well, to hear two opinions and to have a better chance of someone figuring out what was happening to me.

    Dr. Humberto, on the other hand, thought it might not be anything serious. He was so nice that he called me in the morning and talked to me, saying that he didn’t believe the virus had entered my brain. That this is extremely rare, and to eliminate other things first. I trust Dr. Humberto a lot, but this time, sorry, I wasn’t convinced. I do believe it’s a rare thing and that it hardly happens, but he doesn’t know my history of rarities.

    In the afternoon, my mom and I went quite a distance to see the ENT specialist, and to be honest, it was a big waste of time. We got there, waited for about an hour, and when he finally saw us, he just looked at my ear. It was obvious he knew almost nothing about hand-foot-and-mouth disease, and he also said it wouldn’t be possible to diagnose labyrinthitis when someone is in a labyrinthitis crisis. Up to that point, I understand, but what if I didn’t have labyrinthitis? In other words, he hardly listened to what I had to say, it seemed obvious that he didn’t really know what this hand-foot-and-mouth disease was, and that was one of the reasons I also wanted to see Dr. Bernardo, because besides his message that doesn’t really tell us what he means, he is also a pediatrician and definitely understands this disease since it affects 90% of children. So, he would have more knowledge to help me with this.

    The doctor examined me thoroughly, found the infection on my neck, looked at all the few small bumps I had on my feet and hands, and asked if any had appeared on my buttocks. I replied that yes, there were two. He asked to examine and found three, and said that hand-foot-and-mouth disease in adults can also appear on the buttocks. He checked my ears, looked at my throat, and when he asked me to open my mouth wide to look at my throat, the moment when you have to open your mouth wide and deep for the doctor to look far back into your throat, I tilted my head back a bit and almost fainted. I felt very dizzy. Then he saw that it was really happening. He did some neurological tests, including hitting my knee and elbow with a little hammer, and after examining me completely, he said I would need to take two doses of immunoglobulin injection, the same as you take, one today on Friday and the next on Tuesday. And on Tuesday he would assess how I was to see what to do from there if the injection didn’t work.

    He also prescribed a corticosteroid, which he usually doesn’t do, and agreed with me that if the prognosis is delayed, it can indeed turn into meningitis. And even worse things, as I told you, it’s rare but some people die because of this or because of a delayed diagnosis.

    Leaving the office, we thanked God for going to the doctor. My mom was very upset that these things happen to me. She said that both your father and your aunt had hand-foot-and-mouth disease and none of this happened to them, but these rare things persist and happened to me. I think if we hadn’t gone to Dr. Bernardo, honestly, I don’t know what could have happened. I don’t know if I would have insisted on seeing doctors until one got it right. I don’t know. But an important thing Dr. Bernardo said is: you can get a diagnosis right by carefully listening to the patient’s history more than by doing any type of test. If you pay close attention to the patient’s history and understand the smallest details, you can get 90 percent of a diagnosis right. And that’s exactly what was missing from the other doctors. The hospital doctors didn’t ask if I had contact with someone with any disease. Maybe if I had said that my daughter had hand-foot-and-mouth disease, they could have reached this diagnosis, although I believe not because, as I told you, ENT specialists don’t have much expertise with this hand-foot-and-mouth disease. So, I think it might have happened the same way it did with the ENT specialist we went to in private practice.

    Although, Dr. Humberto knows a lot about hand-foot-and-mouth disease and thought it wasn’t my case, of the virus having entered my brain, and it was! So Dr. Humberto was wrong this time.

    The only thing the ENT specialist did was prescribe medication for dizziness to improve my daily dizziness. But I told my mom when we left the office: this doesn’t fix the problem, it just masks it. Sure, I won’t feel dizzy anymore because the medication is preventing me from feeling dizzy, but this medicine isn’t going to treat what’s wrong with me. So if I have a problem, it’s just going to mask it. This isn’t good. I won’t show symptoms anymore, but that doesn’t mean the problem isn’t there and now it might be at an even worse level because I didn’t seek out a doctor since I wasn’t showing symptoms, but the problem is still there and can progress to a much worse level.

    So, I left the doctor’s office totally frustrated, while my mom left thinking that maybe I really didn’t have anything and that it would be a waste of time to go to Dr. Bernardo, especially spending almost R$700 on a consultation where he might say the same thing as the other doctors both at the hospital and the private ENT specialist.

    And I honestly wanted to scream. I felt suffocated. As if something was wrong with me, killing me, or making me sick and no one was capable or smart enough to figure out what was happening and save me. I felt like I was begging for help and people just weren’t helping me. It was a horrible feeling. And I know that all I could think about was you. Like I told you, I never really minded being sick, I’m not afraid of dying because, in my mind, there are two options: either there’s something beyond this life and I’ll go to a better place because I know in my heart that I’m a good person, or after you die, you won’t even know because there’s nothing, everything will just disappear. I would be worried if I were a bad person, a criminal, a corrupt person, then yes, I would fear death. But since I know I’m a good person, I swear I’ve never been afraid. But now I fear not what comes after, but leaving you, the impact it will have on your life, and how much you might miss me. Not to mention that I want to live a life with you. I’ve waited for you my whole life, I’ve dreamed of you for a lifetime. My little daughter, my beloved Melanie, who finally found me and came to me, all I deserve is to live a bit of my life with my daughter, to live this moment of happiness. So, I was very scared of having something, with no one able to figure out what I was having in time, and then it being too late and something happening to me because of incompetence. Because I know, in my heart, that something is wrong.

    So, my mom and I started debating in the car after leaving the ENT specialist’s office whether it was worth going to Dr. Bernardo. I said I was still uncertain, and that he knew the disease well. I know the consultation fee is expensive, but I was. In fact, I was desperate, but I didn’t use that term with my mom. So, my mom, being a mom, agreed, and we went to Dr. Bernardo. It took us about an hour to get there, and when we arrived, we were seen quite quickly.

    When we entered the office, I told the whole story from the beginning. I provided the exact dates for him, like the day your cheek started turning red and you had a fever, which was the day I also sent him a message. He began to pay close attention to everything I was saying, including the dates. After taking some time to recount everything that had happened, he agreed with the diagnosis I thought I had. He said it was indeed very rare, but from everything I was describing, the virus had entered my brain. Before he agreed with the diagnosis, my mom even let out a nervous laugh as if I was crazy or exaggerating when I shared my suspicions. But after he agreed with everything I was saying, she became a bit more worried. He said that hand-foot-and-mouth disease rarely causes problems in adults, but it does happen. He even mentioned that he wrote an article about a person here in Brazil, although I didn’t quite understand what happened to that person. But to give you an idea, it was just one adult. I don’t know if they died or had serious problems. At that moment, I was sure we made the right decision to go there. The doctor wrote an article about this disease, an article! Which means he knew what he was talking about and what he was dealing with.

    He also shared that he had an adult male patient who probably caught hand-foot-and-mouth disease from his child, and he couldn’t walk for a month. As I mentioned, this disease makes your feet very sore, causing a feeling like tiny needles, so it hurts when you put your foot on the ground. This means that for this man, the pain might have been worse, preventing him from putting his foot down and consequently walking. So, although rare, it does happen, and as I told you, rare things love to find me. Unfortunately, only for negative things. I would love to win the lottery and be rich, I swear!

    Anyway, after we talked, I sat at the table for the doctor to examine me. Two lumps also appeared on the back of my head, on my neck. One on the right side and one on the left side. And when this happens, it indicates infection. So, all of this was very real—the bigger bumps, dizziness, the infection spreading. I had already seen three doctors, and none of them could help me. It was only at your doctor’s, the one I said is the general specialist, that we managed to find a light at the end of the tunnel. A hope, a glimmer of light in this darkness that suddenly appeared in my life.

    The doctor examined me thoroughly, found the infection on my neck, looked at all the few small bumps I had on my feet and hands, and asked if any had appeared on my buttocks. I replied that yes, there were two. He asked to examine and found three, and said that hand-foot-and-mouth disease in adults can also appear on the buttocks. He checked my ears, looked at my throat, and when he asked me to open my mouth wide to look at my throat, the moment when you have to open your mouth wide and deep for the doctor to look far back into your throat, I tilted my head back a bit and almost fainted. I felt very dizzy. Then he saw that it was really happening. He did some neurological tests, including hitting my knee and elbow with a little hammer, and after examining me completely, he said I would need to take two doses of immunoglobulin injection, the same as you take, one today on Friday and the next on Tuesday. And on Tuesday he would assess how I was to see what to do from there if I stil felt those symptons. 

    He also prescribed a corticosteroid, which he usually doesn’t do, and agreed with me that if the prognosis is delayed, it can indeed turn into meningitis. And even worse things, as I told you, it’s rare but some people die because of this or because of a delayed diagnosis.

    Leaving the office, we thanked God for going to the doctor. My mom was very upset that these things happen to me. She said that both your father and your aunt had hand-foot-and-mouth disease and none of this happened to them, but these rare things persist and happened to me. I think if we hadn’t gone to Dr. Bernardo, honestly, I don’t know what could have happened. I don’t know if I would have insisted on seeing doctors until one got it right. I don’t know. But an important thing Dr. Bernardo said is: you can get a diagnosis right by carefully listening to the patient’s history more than by doing any type of test. If you pay close attention to the patient’s history and understand the smallest details, you can get 90% of a diagnosis right. And that’s exactly what was missing from the other doctors. The hospital doctors didn’t ask if I had contact with someone with any disease. Maybe if I had said that my daughter had hand-foot-and-mouth disease, they could have reached this diagnosis, although I believe not because, as I told you, ENT specialists don’t have much expertise with this hand-foot-and-mouth disease. So, I think it might have happened the same way it did with the ENT specialist we went to in private practice.

    Although, Dr. Humberto knows a lot about hand-foot-and-mouth disease and thought it wasn’t my case, of the virus having entered my brain, and it was! So Dr. Humberto was wrong this time.

    I was happy, hopeful, and relieved that someone had finally listened to me, that someone might really know what was happening and understood that what I was feeling was indeed concerning and needed to be treated. It was as if someone had finally reached out to me when I was almost completely drowning after crying out for help for so long.

    I took the first dose of the injection right there in the office and finally got to experience what you feel. Whether the injection actually hurts or not, I was anxious to find out, but I must say that the injection was quite manageable. Of course, the prick and the liquid being injected hurt a little, but it didn’t compare to some other injections I’ve had. The only thing about these injections is that if you rub your butt, keep touching or pressing it, you feel the liquid spreading, and then it hurts. It stings quite a bit. So, the best thing to do is not to touch it. As soon as he finishes injecting, just leave it alone, think about something else, and don’t poke the injected area or any part of your butt.

    Then my mom dropped me off at home. I talked to your dad, told him what happened, and he was also worried, but now we were all more relieved. The doctor said I needed complete rest, avoid driving or going out, and that I should stay still. But on Saturday, we will have a party at one of my family member's farms. It would be nice to go to a little party, clear our minds a bit, eat well, see dear people, and go out in general. But I told my mom that if I still felt dizzy by Saturday, I wouldn’t go, especially because I couldn’t drive. If I improved and the injection really helped me, then we would go. Now all I know is that I am happy and will sleep more peacefully tonight.

    27/06 Chapter 278: Perfection will not come

    It's incredible how a single dose of the injection already made me feel much better. I still felt a little dizzy day to day, but I no longer felt that sensation of everything spinning and me almost fainting. Actually, that was what worried me the most because if I only had dizziness, I would also consider a possible labyrinthitis. Although, thinking about it, it was good that I had that strong dizziness of almost fainting because it made me concerned. If I had only had mild dizziness, I would never have sought a doctor, and I would have been as desperate as I was, which could have been very harmful to my conclusive diagnosis.

    I know I have improved a lot. The doctor prescribed medication to prevent dizziness and also prescribed the corticosteroid and injections. A single dose of the injection and one day of corticosteroid helped me a lot, so I was very happy and optimistic that this treatment would work. And I would leave behind another rarity that wanted to affect me but didn't win this time, like paresthesia.

    I would continue taking the medications and return on Tuesday to take the second dose and now just hope for the best.

    One thing we've been noticing is that you might have that OCD disorder. Every time you see an open drawer or door, you close it without us asking or saying anything. It bothers you, and you want it closed. You like things super well-organized, for example, in the refrigerator, one item cannot be higher than another. You get very upset when you can't do things as I mentioned to you in another chapter. So, if you're playing with fitting toys and can't do it correctly, you get extremely frustrated, stressed, throw things, and cry. We need to pay attention to this to see if you might develop some type of OCD. I think you are quite young to be arranging things like this. There are also times when you even take a wet wipe and start cleaning things. I hope it's just something cute from being a toddler and that you don't end up suffering from this kind of compulsion because, in adulthood, it's not fun at all. Perfection will not come and you expect way too much of yourself being so young. So it's important to know that. Don't expect perfection.

    You continue to sleep poorly and refuse to sleep the entire night in your bed. These have been difficult nights. For me, it's the opposite; when you were a newborn up to one year old, you slept super well, but then the scenario changed, and it's like I have a newborn now 😂

    29/06 Chapter 279: Cowboy up

    Today was the day of the little party I told you about. And since I was feeling much better and didn't have any more dizziness, I decided to go. We went to my parents' house earlier and from there we would go to the party at the ranch. The plan was to arrive there around 4:00 PM, but my family is always late and never arrives on time, so obviously, we arrived much later.

    Before that, there was a situation that happened. My mom was in a hurry because Tayna was already waiting for us impatiently at the entrance of the condominium, and my mom is terrified of my sister, just thinking about making her nervous or upset makes my mom even more nervous than my sister. So with all that hurry, all that coming and going, that hustle and bustle, that shouting, your grandfather had left you in the back of the car playing, but you were not buckled in the car seat, and my mom didn't know and went to put a bag inside and opened the door. Obviously, you were leaning against the door and fell to the ground. The problem is that my dad's car is a high car, meaning a much greater height than other common cars. But my mom screamed, and at first, she managed to kind of hold you with her foot, cushioning the impact.

    When I heard her scream, I came running from the kitchen to the garage to see what was happening, and then my dad started shouting at her that because of the rush look what had happened, you were screaming and crying a lot, even though you almost didn't get hurt, you got a scare, poor thing. And in my nervousness because I hadn't seen if you were hurt or not, I started shouting too saying that I wanted that party to blow up, I didn't care about that party, to hell with it if we arrived a little late, and my mom, poor thing, felt very bad for having let you fall. But now writing more calmly, without being hot-headed, it wasn't her fault, she didn't know you were there and besides everything she said is true, my dad shouldn't have left you alone in the back of the car, because anyone could have opened that door. So my dad yelled at my mom, but actually, the fault was more his than hers if we think about it, she didn't know you were there nor was she warned. And she had her eyes all teary, wanting to cry, already feeling bad for almost letting you get seriously hurt and still having her husband and daughter fighting with her. Later I felt very bad and hugged her.

    That's why, when we're upset, it's always good to wait until we're in a good mental state before doing or saying anything, because often we end up being unfair or saying things that didn't need to be said. And you were fine, nothing had happened. We got a fright. We went to the farm and it seemed further away than I remembered. But that's because driving from my parents' house to the farm is much further than driving from São Paulo, where we live, to the farm. And every time we went there, we went from São Paulo, so we had this notion that it was closer. And your dad complaining that it was far, because to him everything is far, I don't know how he is so impatient when driving. Everything is far for him, he always complains about the distance, he never has the patience to go to places because apparently they are far, but it's not really like that.

    We finally arrived, and upon arriving at the farm, I got out with my huge travel bag because I brought clothes to try to sell, and it was a waste of time and energy because hardly anyone looked at me or my bags. The only person who paid a little attention to me was Rosely, and she took a bag, but other than that, no one even pretended to be interested in looking. But that's okay...

    We always think the party will be better than it is. We had some fun. Your dad and I went on the mechanical bull. I stayed on the bull for quite a while, longer than I thought I would. I thought I would be worse, but I'm actually pretty good at games and some activities.

    Your dad did well too, and your uncle Rafael won a Pix of R$100 for staying on the bull for more than 7 seconds. At that time, your dad didn't participate; maybe he would have won too.

    However, your uncle Rafael has an advantage that your dad doesn't have: he rides a motorcycle and knows how to balance because of his motorcycle experience.

    To my delight, there was a giant inflatable toy that you and your cousin played on as well, but your cousin, as usual, played much more than you because you were scared. I think you went on it once or twice. There was one time you got stuck at the top crying, and your grandfather had to go up and get you. Only you could make your grandfather climb an inflatable toy. But with this toy, I understood better because it was three times the size of the one I had rented. It’s a toy for older kids, so if you were hesitant with the one I rented, imagine this one.

    There were some good, tasty foods, but after a while, your dad and I got bored and wanted to go home, but we couldn't because we had your grandparents' car, and they didn't want to leave yet. Fortunately, it was thanks to my dad that we eventually left. It’s nice to stay a bit, chat, but we don't have much intimacy with everyone in that family, so there's a lack of topics to talk about, a lack of things to do, and then comes the boredom. And your dad is already impatient at parties with people he’s not close to, so the only thing he wants to do is hide. I say this, but I'm just like him. I can stay for a while, but there comes a point when I get tired and just want to go home. We’re getting old. But at least we’re alike in that way.

    Anyway, on the way back, we argued a bit. Guess why? Cartoons. Your dad couldn’t understand that you slept for the entire two-hour trip there, and if we didn't put on a cartoon on the way back, you would sleep and wake up at my parents' house, and then you wouldn't sleep anymore.

    You’re like me and your dad; you have a VERY, VERY light sleep, waking up at the slightest noise or disturbance. Unlike your cousin Rafinha, who doesn't wake up even when shaken. Just by unbuckling your seatbelt, you wake up.

    So, my parents and I thought that you watching cartoons during the trip back would be a lesser evil compared to all of us being up all night because you slept 4 hours during the day. But your dad can’t understand exceptions... What really upset him was you watching cartoons on the cell phone. The doctor says that the harmful thing is not the cartoon itself, but the small cell phone screen, which is very bad for the eyes. I agree with them, but the brand new TV my parents ordered from the US for you to watch in the car arrived broken, and it’s no one's fault.

    Arriving home, just as expected, you fell asleep, and we all got to rest from an exhausting day. After all, everyone gets tired from 4 hours on the road. If it weren't for the cartoon, it would have been a tough night. I just wish your dad would understand that sometimes...


    In the constant hell I put him through

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