
    domingo, 9 de março de 2025

    To my daughter Melanie (March 2025)

     01/03 Chapter 379: It's getting better and better

    Every day I love you more and more, if that's even possible.

    I'll start by saying that today your dad took you to a park — kind of like Ibirapuera Park back in Brazil. It's smaller, but still similar in that there are people running, listening to music, having picnics, and plenty of green area. You two had so much fun together. Your dad definitely shines when it comes to energy and adventure. Honestly, I have zero stamina for walking around in the sun or spending time at parks... but he’s the adventurous one, and he fills in that gap perfectly for you.

    You came home absolutely exhausted, and right after that, we headed to my parents' house to kick off our Carnival celebrations.

    Oh, and there’s this thing with our parking space in the building — it’s really tight, with pillars on either side. Because of that, I can’t properly open the door to your side to buckle you in. So what I do is open the opposite door, you climb in from that side, sit in your car seat, and once I’ve pulled out of the space, I buckle you in. It’s become a routine by now. But today — I don’t know how — I completely forgot! I started driving out of the garage when suddenly you said, "Mommy forgot the seatbelt." I facepalm myself smacked my forehead and gasped, "Oh no! I forgot the seatbelt!" I stopped right away, gave you a ton of kisses, and thanked you for reminding me. Look at you — not only speaking full sentences now but also remembering something so important. Imagine if I'd driven off like that — heaven forbid!

    You're turning into such a little grown-up. You’re talking in full sentences now, using the toilet, and even reminding me when I forget things! Plus, you have an incredible memory. If you’re playing with a toy and I ask you where it is later, you’ll walk right over and find it for me. Sometimes you'll even hide a toy inside one of your little carts and still remember exactly where you put it later.

    Lately, your favorite treat has been ice cream. You’re obsessed with it now, even though you didn’t care for it before. Remember that trip to Santos? Back then, you weren’t interested, but now you can’t get enough! I recently bought a popsicle mold, and now I freeze yogurt in it or blend strawberries and bananas to make homemade fruit popsicles — just the way your dad likes it: natural and healthy. And you love them because they’re cold and come on a stick!

    You know, sweetie, I’ve always loved babies. When my cousin Marina was born — Júnior and Débora’s daughter — she felt like an antidepressant for me. I was still heartbroken over Marcelo back then, and spending time with Marina really helped me. I’d drive over to my grandparents' house every week just to see her. But I always thought that once kids hit two years old, they lost some of that charm — not just Marina, but all kids in general. I believed the magic faded once they started walking and talking.

    But with you, it’s different. Living with you every day has shown me that each stage is special in its own way. When you were a newborn — that tiny bundle under three kilos — you were completely dependent on me, nursing in my arms and creating this unbreakable bond. Then came the phase at three months when you started smiling and laughing — and every month since has brought something new and wonderful.

    Now, we’re past two years old — the phase I once thought would be dull — and yet, it’s turning out to be the best one yet. Now you hug me, ask me for help, kiss me, tell me you love me, and even share stories about your day at preschool. You help me carry bags inside, hold the elevator door, and make me feel like I have a little best friend by my side — just in miniature form. I’ve loved every stage of your life, but somehow, it just keeps getting better. And I can’t wait to see what comes next.

